How Prestage Farms Streamlines Hiring & Training With GoFormz Public Forms
Prestage Farms has achieved incredible efficiency improvements with digital agriculture forms. Responsible for not only their own farms, production facilities, and warehouses, but also for regularly inspecting the facilities of the independent farmers contracted to raise Prestage animals, paper forms were incredibly problematic. The widespread nature of Prestage’s operation made it difficult to capture and deliver data using manual tools (which needed to be brought along, filled out and then delivered to Prestage offices) in a timely manner, resulting in costly delays and obstacles to animal care.
With mobile agriculture forms, Prestage Farms personnel can now capture and route information in real-time – accelerating responses to animal needs, improving communication, and saving money.
“The quick response time we have because of GoFormz, saves us in production [costs] which in turn makes us more profitable…”
But the digital improvements don’t stop there. Using GoFormz Public Forms, Prestage Farm’s leadership has also managed to streamline and optimize hiring and training activities. GoFormz Public Forms are digital forms that can be easily and securely shared with users outside of your GoFormz account, making it easy to collect Signatures, send surveys, request information, and so much more. Which form fields are editable to recipients can be pre-determined, and Public Forms can be equipped with an expiration date, to effortlessly manage external access and data input.
Optimized employment applications result in high-quality candidates
With Public Forms, Prestage Farms has drastically improved access to their employment applications. Which form fields are editable to recipients can be pre-determined, and Public Forms can be equipped with an expiration date, to effortlessly manage external access and data input. “Before our Public Forms, you had to go to your local employment security commission and apply,” explained Bradley Faircloth, of Prestage Farms’ Information Technology team. This process often led to low quality or inexperienced applicants, making it difficult to find the talent Prestage Farms needed to hire.
Using Public Forms, a link to a job application is easily accessible on their website. “Being able to put an electronic copy of our employment application on our website allows us to attract better employees because we can reach people who already have a job, but want a different opportunity,” Bradley emphasized, detailing the difference Public Forms have made in their hiring process. “Whereas when relying on the employment security commission, we always got someone who didn’t have a job or experience. Now I can give a business card to someone and direct them to our website to fill out an application.” Now, once an applicant completes their application via Public Forms, the form is instantly routed to Prestage Farms HR, and their information is on file.
“Now our recruiters can distribute our Public Forms link to someone and direct them to our application to fill out anytime.”
Public Forms provide seamless safety training
Public Forms have also allowed the Prestage Farms team to elevate their safety training. “We create our monthly safety training on a spreadsheet or a word document. Once we have a PDF, we upload it to GoFormz, and our safety director sends out a Public Forms link, and everyone completes their safety training and it comes back and can be tracked,” Bradley explained. “We’ll also take a GoFormz Public Form, create a QR code and print it on the front of the Safety Training [documents].” This functionality allows training participants to scan a QR code and authorize the Public Form, signifying they have completed the training via a digital Signature. Once they have added their signature and completed the form, it is instantly filed and immediately tracked.
“I can’t stress enough how many new opportunities the use of [Public Forms] has opened up for us.”
To learn more about how Public Forms can help your business, check out this collection of the ‘Top Five Use Cases for GoFormz Public Forms’.