Customer Success Story: The Robert Henry Corporation
About The Robert Henry Corporation
Founded in 1974, the Robert Henry Corporation provides commercial and industrial construction services, including directional drilling, high voltage electrical work, and facility builds and repairs. The Robert Henry team prioritizes quality services and project safety, while providing customers with “direct control” over project costs.
“Daily job briefings weren’t getting done before GoFormz. And now they’re getting done and we know they’re getting done.”
The Robert Henry Corporation needed a means of digitally capturing daily timesheet and field data, to more efficiently combat obstacles to productivity – like frustrating manual image collection, rekeying form data into ERPs, and incomplete reports.
After testing an alternative form solution, the Robert Henry Corporation turned to GoFormz to digitize their forms, data capture, and processing. With GoFormz, form data can be instantly reported on, completed forms are digitally stored, Images can be easily input into forms, and documents are more thoroughly completed.
Savings of approximately 40 hours a week
Increased Timesheet data reporting efficiency
Eliminated manual data rekeying and delivery
Simplified job site Image capture
Improved form data quality and completeness
Streamlined billing and incident reporting
Daily Job Briefings
Time & Material sheets
Training forms
To learn more about The Robert Henry Corporation’s digital transformation with GoFormz, check out the full case study. Interested in digitizing your forms for use on phones and tablets? Getting started is easy – click here to try GoFormz for free.