Customer Story: Ohio Department of Transportation
“We are no longer worried about printing paper inspections and distributing them out to all of our inspectors. We have over a thousand [inspectors], so we’re not creating that paper in the first place which is a major savings.”
The Ohio Department of Transportation leverages digital forms and the SharePoint integration to streamline the completion of inspection forms
About Ohio Department of Transportation
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) supports the highway system and transportation initiatives across the twelve regions of Ohio via maintenance, construction, and snow and ice operations. “ODOT's regional district offices and Central Office divisions work together to fulfill the department's mission of providing safe and easy movement of people and goods from place to place.”
Completing over 700 projects a year, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) needed a more efficient and reliable means of completing and storing the extensive paperwork accompanying each project.
ODOT leverages GoFormz to digitize and simplify their documentation, allowing field teams to complete forms from their preferred devices while working offline from any location. Now completed forms are easily routed to key contacts, and SharePoint records are automatically updated.
Improves data completeness and accuracy
Reduces training demands and saved time via intuitive data entry
Streamlines collaboration across agencies via automated workflows
Eliminates physical resources, like paper, resulting in cost savings
Alleviates administrative demands via SharePoint integration
Completes forms offline, using any device
To learn more about ODOT’s digital transformation with GoFormz, read the full case study here.