Customer Story: Aging Solutions
About Aging Solutions
Since 1997, Aging Solutions has provided Client-Centered Care Management to elderly and disabled adults, helping to “find reliable home care, transition aging parents to new, safe living situations, and act as the eyes and ears of adult children living far away.” Pioneering the CARE Method, Aging Solutions collaborates with patients, their families, and their medical professionals to provide holistic care and improve each patient’s quality of life.
“We use GoFormz religiously with all of the clients that we manage.”
Challenge: Aging Solutions needed a way to capture and access data in real-time, to thoroughly monitor and document patient needs and care.
Solution: Digital forms allow Aging Solutions personnel to capture more complete, detailed information regarding patient behavior and care, resulting in more efficient stabilization and improved communication between their staff and a patient’s support system.
Forms: Patient Observation forms, Daily Care Logs, Shift Checklists
Real-time data access empowers Aging Solutions to more efficiently stabilize patients
More comprehensive, extensive data capture allows for personalized, precise care
Digital, HIPAA-secure data capture improves communication with each patient’s doctors, care teams, and family members
To learn more about how Aging Solutions leverages HIPAA-secure data capture to streamline their patient observation and care, read the full customer case study here.